this week it's Micheal Hill, the Florida Marlin's GM:

Though this is not a picture of the real Michael Hill, it is a picture of A Michael Hill. It also represents what I want to do to him.
Why Michael Hill? Three reasons:
1) He made the most lop-sided trade in MLB history yesterday. Miguel Cabrera and Dontrelle Willis to the Tigers for a bunch of minor leaguers who are approximately the same age?! Why do the Marlins hate every other team in the MLB?
2) He doesn't have one picture of him on the internet, which means he isn't hated nearly as much as the Cub's GM, Jim Hendry. Anyone who has an intelligent GM is my enemy! However, this trade here may immediately change that, so I might like him if number 3 weren't true.
3) The Marlins are gonna win the World Series in another 3 or 4 years. They won the series in 1997, then dumped all their talent. They won it in 2003 and now they have officially dumped all their talent from that year. Actually, if time holds up, they'll win it in 2010, which is surprisingly likely what with Dan Uggla, Hanley Ramirez, and all the other young guys who'll win the series then be shipped across the MLB.